10 Hero DotA 2 So Imba After Patch 7.07

10 Hero DotA 2 So Imba After Patch 7.07 - Hello
Honorable mention:
- Venomancer
- Elder Titan
- Bane
- Clinkz
- Beastmaster
1. Mirana
Talent Tree:
- Level 10: +200 Health OR +20 Damage
- Level 15: -5s Sacred Arrow Cooldown OR +100 Leap Attack Speed
- Level 20: +12% Spell Amp OR +25 Mana Break
- Level 25: +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows OR -70 Moonlight Shadow Cooldown
Why Imba?
- Leap now has a charge like the Sniper's Shrapnel or Fire Remnant's Ember Spirit, which means Mirana can leap to the enemy to attack and leap away to escape. With 3 charge he has, now he can also jump 3 times at once to escape from the enemy that gank him. Bonus after leap ranging from attack speed and movement speed is still obtained by Mirana although now specifically for him alone.
- -70 Moonlight Shadow cooldown makes ganking or retreat much more often done by Mirana. Although it takes a long time to get this cooldown reduction that is required to level 25, great influence can be generated in the late game with this much reduced cooldown time.
2. Dragon Knight
Talent Tree:
- Level 10: +2 Mana Regen OR +30 Attack Speed
- Level 15: +300 Health OR +40% XP Gain
- Level 20: 2x Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor OR +150 Gold/Min
- Level 25: +40 Strength OR +1.75s Dragon Tail Stun Duration
Why Imba?
From the bonus talent tree, if you take +300 health, 2x Dragon Blood HP regen / armor and +40 strength, Dragon Knight will become very thick and hard to kill. Without any items and capitalize talent tree he has 3160 HP and 36 armor. Coupled with late game items like Heart of Tarass, Satanic, Assault Cuirass, etc., Dragon Knight will be a challenge to be killed.
3. Lion
Talent tree:
- Level 10: +75 Cast Range OR +75 Damage
- Level 15: +200 Finger of Death Damage OR +90 Gold/Min
- Level 20: +500 Health OR +2 Mana Drain Multi Target
- Level 25: +1000 Earth Spike Range OR +325 AoE Hex
Why Imba?
Icefrog, what have you done? This support hero too over buff. All Lion's talent tree is very nice and can be tailored to the conditions of the team. But the craziest is the bonus damage on the finger of death and talent tree level 25. Bonus damage on the finger of death may not be as big as before, but now can be obtained more quickly. The level 25 talent tree of the hero is too much of an impulse, between you can do Earth Spike as far as Sand King stun with Aghanim, or juggle all enemies within a 325 radius into a frog for 4 seconds. It may be difficult for a Lion to get level 25, but if he reaches this maximum level in the late game, the enemy without BKB will bite the finger in team fight.
4. Undying
Talent tree:
- Level 10: +100 Cast Range OR +8 Health Regen
- Level 15: Tombstone On Death OR +20 Decay Duration
- Level 20: +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage OR +3 Tombstone Attacks
- Level 25: Gains Reincarnation 200 CD OR -2s Decay Cooldown
Why Imba?
- At level 15, whenever Undying dies, he can issue 2 tombstones, one is issued alone and the other automatically appears when he dies. With the buff bundle given to the tombstone via the same patch, the existence of 2 tombstones simultaneously in a good position in team fight will make the enemy hassle.
- At level 25 Undying get aegis every 200 seconds, this not only means he can help his team longer, but also he can spend 3 or even 4 tombstone simultaneously. It has not been tested whether this reincarnation can be refreshed with Refresher Orb, but if so, it means Undying can remove 5 tombstones if it continues to die. The downside is you give free gold to the enemy, but if the tombstone is in such a good position that the enemy is hard to destroy it, tombstone will be so imba.
5. Riki
Talent Tree:
- Level 10: +5 Health Regen OR +8 Agility
- Level 15: -4s Smokescreen Cooldown OR 20% 1.5x Crit
- Level 20: +900 Blink Strike Cast Range OR +0.2 Backstab Multiplier
- Level 25: +400 Tricks of the Trade AoE OR Cloak and Dagger Doesn’t Reveal
Why Imba?
- Smoke screen now makes the enemies in it "blind" in the intention of the enemy can not see what happens outside of the smoke screen.
- Riki now has a critical bonus on the talent tree level 15, and this critical stack with backstab damage.
- At level 20, he can blur more effectively with bonus ranges from Blink Strike, but +0.2 The backstab multiplier at the same level is also basically good.
- At level 25, he can either make his ultimate radius much wider or keep himself invisible despite attacking the enemy. Both talents are very good, but in the late game sometimes enemies have a gem or put a lot of blue ward, then take the right choice for you.
6. Brewmaster
Talent Tree:
- Level 10: +200 Health OR +30 Damage
- Level 15: +3s Thunder Clap Slow OR +20% Magic Resistance
- Level 20: +100 Attack Speed OR +1500 Primal Split Health
- Level 25: -65s Primal Split Cooldown OR +15% Drunken Brawler
Why Imba?
With this patch, Brewmaster will likely shine back in professional matches as offlane or mid. The talent tree he has now is crazy.
- At level 15, he can slowly make all enemies affected by Thunder Clap up to 7 seconds on his cooldown skill 13 seconds.
- At level 20, he can be made to attack very quickly with a bonus of +100 attack speed, or make his ultimate more difficult to kill.
- At level 25, he can continue his ultimate spam as with the bonus -65s Primal Split Cooldown, ultimate it now has a 35 second cooldown. The duration of the ultimate is also for 20 seconds, allowing you to have 15 seconds to do the ultimate again.
7. Slardar
Talent Tree:
- Level 10: +20 Damage OR +5 Health Regen
- Level 15: +300 Health OR +100 Bash Damage
- Level 20: +50 Attack Speed OR Night Vision +1000
- Level 25: +15% Bash Chance OR Corrosive Haze Undispellable
Why Imba?
- The only skill - Guardian Sprint, will now give a bonus of 700 movement speeds at level 4 while walking on the river. This makes Slardar more horrible as a ganker in mid game.
- +100 bash damage at level 15 allows passive damage of up to 220 damage. Despite having a small chance, if lucky, who knows you can kill the support in 3-4 hits for constantly bash.
- Night Vision +1000 makes him more effective in ganking. This bonus seems to make Slardar a Nightstalker that can stun and reduce enemy armor.
8. Morphling
Talent Tree:
- Level 10: +10 Agility OR +20 Movement Speed
- Level 15: Waveform Attacks Targets OR +30 Attack Speed
- Level 20: -25s Morph Cooldown OR Morph Targets Allies
- Level 25: +800 Waveform Range OR +2 Multishot Adaptive Strike
Why Imba?
- Changing attributes between agility and strength now no longer need mana. Morphling now no longer afraid to run out because of changing to strength when in the enemy gank.
- Replicate replaced with new skill - Morph. Morph makes Morphling turn into a target and has all the basic skills of the target. This will be very helpful when used on the right hero and do not rely on ultimate like Anti Mage, Clinkz, etc .. Imagine being banned by Bounty Hunter or Clinkz, you can use your ultimate to change into them and use their disappearing skills to escape. This skill will be very imba if used on hero and the right moment.
9. Tiny
Talent Tree:
- Level 10: +15% Magic Resistance OR +25 Damage
- Level 15: +75 Avalanche Damage OR +350 Health
- Level 20: -10s Tree Grab CD OR Toss Requires No Target
- Level 25: -12s Avalanche Cooldown OR 3 Toss Charges
Why Imba?
- Without Aghanim Scepter, Tiny now has its own tree with new Tree Grab skill. Unfortunately, the tree is limited for 2/3/4/5 times. But the good part is if the enemy tries to escape and your attack does not reach him, you can throw the tree from a distance with 70% damage and AoE 250.
- Tree grab at level 20 can be spamed with talent tree -10s Tree Grab CD. Even though it is inconvenient to keep picking up trees, you do not need to spend 1 slot for an item that gives you access to the tree and 1 slot can be filled with more important items.
- At level 25, Tiny can stun Avalanche spam every 5 seconds, or throw enemies 3 times in a row. Both are not balanced.
10. Vengeful Spirit
Talent Tree:
- Level 10: + 15% Magic Resistance OR -1 Wave of Terror Armor
- Level 15: +15 Agility OR-6s Wave of Terror Cooldown
- Level 20: -4s Magic Missile Cooldown OR + 15% Vengeance Aura Damage
- Level 25: +400 Magic Missile Damage OR Magic Missile Pierces Spell Immunity
Why Imba?
Passive from this hero - Vengeance Aura, will now make a shadow of your dead friend. This shadow will attack the killer for seven seconds with 100% damage. This shadow can not be targeted, making you can only surrender beaten repeatedly. Imagine if the one who hit you is a hero with right-click pain like Phantom Assassin, Sniper, Juggernaut, etc. You will probably catch the victim after killing him.
With 115 heroes available in DotA 2, maybe you have a different opinion of who is classified as IMBA in this 7.07 patch. Who is the hero whom do you think is in the patch this time? Mention in comments and explain your opinion!
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